Sunday, September 13, 2015

Chemical industry backs export bank. 150117

1.The nation's largest chemical manufacturers fighting to resurrect the Export-import Bank of the

U.S. a small federal agency that helps U.S. companies sell their products overseas.

In fiscal 2014, Ex-Im provided financing or guarantees for $ 27.5 billion in U.S. exports, supporting

more than 164,000 American jobs at 3,300companies,according to White House data.

Export credit agency financial support in 2013, $billion.

China , 153.8 ;Japan ,104.0  ; Canada,  92.5  ; south Korea  , 63.5  ;Germany ,37.1;  U.S. ,27.3.

 From : CEN  JULY 27, 2015

2.  FDA urged to enforce country-of-origin drug labels.

Approximately 40% of the prescription drugs sold in U.S. are manufactured overseas, and 80%

of the active ingredients used to make drugs in the U.S. are produced in other countries,

according to FDA.

 From :  CEN   MARCH 16, 2015

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