Sunday, August 23, 2015

Addivant advances. 15113

1.Former polymer additives business of Chemtura prepares for growth under new owner.

Demands on polymers are higher than ever before ,but the additives used in them are 35-40 years old.

Additives is using its expertise to develop additives that help polymers work better on modern film

packaging lines, which can run at up to 1,000 meters per minute. Another effort is to provide

additives that protect the integrity of polymers over decades of use, particularly in applications

such as underground electrical cables.       From :  CEN   JULY 15,2013

 2. Our strengths : Technical expertise that adds value .
                              Customized, cost-effective dust-free solutions.

        polymerization selector guide .

       Elastomer compounding selector guide.               From :  Addivant  advertisement . 2013

3. Import & export between China-Us.   july 2015

  HS 381210  Prepared rubber accelerators   Imports : $379,965 . Export:$379,048

  HS 381220 Compound plasticizers :  Export :$ 441,631

   HS 381230 Antioxidizing ,Stabilization :  Import :$ 2,536,555     From : Zepol

Monday, August 3, 2015

The heat is on isocyanates in paint. 150112

1. polyurethanes make up half of the $19.6 billion global high-performance coating business.

Demand for high-performance coating grows by 5%per year. The $115 billion coating market grows

at less than half that rate.

2.PPG has developed a paint system that eliminate the need to put  a new car body through a primer-

curing oven. Thanks to resins that can be applied wet-on-wet, a car's three top paint layers-primer,

color coat, and clear topcoat-can be applied in succession and oven-cured.

3. Paint maker Axalta (DuPont) like PPG ,it has designed paint package, call a " three-wet System."

4. Oven cure temperatures will have to come down from about 140 C to about 80 C.

5.Bayer, they use what calls Blulogiq technology. It hardeners remain inactive until they are exposed

to temperatures about  75C .

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The shrinking case for fluorochemicals . 150111

1. Long-chain alkyl compounds are out and short-chain replacements are in, even as their safety

remains in question.   2. ELECTRONICS. Loss of fluorinated compounds narrow option for

chipmakers.       From : CEN JULY 13 ,2015 .  P.27-29.

3. New ways to be repellent  .  Regulators and environmentalists are forcing changes in water-

repellent treatments for clothes.  Dupont uses telomerization to create a key fluorinated alcohol.

2-perfluorohexyl ethanol.  cas  647-42-7    From : CEN December 3 ,2012 . P. 20-23

 4. Clothing the well-dressed fracker.    Retailers, manufacturers envision a gold rush in duds for

workers in booming oil and gas fields.    From : WSJ    May 16,  2013