Friday, July 24, 2009

zappos 服务取胜,称霸网路售鞋业,以$8.47亿被购. 91101/463

据世界日报 july 24,2009 焦点(二)报导. 其标题为 " 8.47 亿,亚马逊天价购Zappos." 华裔谢家华,林君睿经营鞋类购物网站有成;亚马逊打不过,干脆买下来. 同页 另篇 "谢家华,林君睿服务取胜."还报导了一些细节.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wal-mart 提出新"绿色"分级标贴 91100/462

据 wsj jul 16,2009题为"Wal-mart to assign new 'Green' ratings."及"What 'Green' labels can tell us." 意为从环保角度,另加标贴,将在儿年后实施. 它拥有10万供应商,有一定影响.
世界日报 july 17,2009 题为"华尔市场环保标贴,绿色分级."同样报导.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

美国劳动生产率依然升高1.6%. 9195/450

据 wsj june 5,2009题为"productivity goes up,defying historical trend."报导. 虽然经济情况欠佳,但劳动生产率依然升高 1.6%.主要是公司大量裁员,弗用支出减少.

Bemis 并购 Rio Tinto 包装材料. 9198/449

据 wsj 6,2009 题为 "Rio Tinto to sell U.S.Packaging Arm."报导. Wiscosin基础的Bemis公司,同意以 $1.2 billion 现金和股票购Anglo-Australian 矿业公司的包装业务.
Bemis是食品及饮料包装商,将获得23个运作,横跨美国,加拿大,墨西哥,南美与新西兰;包装肉类,牛酪,蔬菜及干点.每年销售$1.5 billion及4,600员工.这样Bemis's销售由$3.8 billion升到$5.3 billion/年,员工在全世界达2万.

best buy 销售电动自行车,价$11,995. 9197/448

据 wsj july 6,2009题为"best buy to sell green vehicles."报导,best buy 销售Electric Bikes,Scooters. 价格为$11,995 可行驶45miles,用50miles/hr速度.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The production of essential oils in China is the biggest in the world. 9196/441

据新民晚报 june 27,2009报导. The production of essential oils in China is the biggest in the world. but the prices is overseas half or 1/3,the examples are rose oil,lavender oil,and etc.