Monday, April 20, 2015

服务外企 助对台贸易 150106

据世界日报 4月18日报导,洛杉矶贸易中心主任介绍其工作职能为:协助台湾企业和制造商加强



Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Advances in spectroscopy and materials analysis. 150101

 This CEN Supplement is devoted to "Advances in Spectroscopy and Materials Science." As with

the successful debut edition that we published in March , we are grateful to the many organizations

and instrumentation companies that have decided to support this supplement by contributing

technical application notes. we are pleased to include titles and abstracts from 10 of the most popular

and cited research articles relevant to these themes from the peer-reviewed journal Analytical

Chemistry, published by the ACS.

  From  CEN Supplement. JUNE  2. 2014