Saturday, October 29, 2011

包装市场大,支持复膜胶. 11123/640

据 CEN oct 17,2011 题为" An update on Dow"报导. 2008年以180亿美元并Rohm and Haas, 现在Dow的LD 聚乙烯加上 Rohm and Haas 复膜胶,市场达80亿美元/年.

醋酸加氢制乙醇,在中国实现. 11122/639

据 CEN oct 24,2011题为"Celanese takes an ethanol plunge". 报导. 醋酸制乙醇项目在中国南京实施,据40万吨项目,需要3亿美元. 该文作了经济技术分析.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rare earth cooperate laboratory 希土合作实验室6

供过于求,价格暴跌,希土La,Ce积压,包钢希土仃产1月.境外走向,不依赖中国希土. 理性价格及中,长期合约,市场需求,推动希土发展.
Supply over demand,prices droped down,La,Ce on sale and BaoSteel stop production 1 momth of them. Overseas,turning away from China's RE is order of the day. So reasonable prices ,medium and long term contract,according market,will push RE develop.

Friday, October 14, 2011


据 Automobile news Oct 10,2011报导. 由於Merck 的珠光涂料 (pearl luster piqment)名为Xirallic 没有在日本恢复生产,影响20% toyota 汽车涂料. 也有可能要求 Merck 搬回德国生产.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

上海氟聚合物,纺织化学 二合资项目11119/635

据CEN Oct 3,2011报导. 1.Du pont 将和上海3F ,以50-50合资在常熟生产氟聚合物.
2.Huntsman 准备投资$40 million,在上海闵行建纺织化学品(也有染料)研发中心.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

rare earth cooperate laboratory 希土合作实验室 5

据Scientific American, Oct 2011报导. 在Afghanistan Khanneshin 找到储量为 1.3 million tons的希土矿 (Carbonatite),开采后够10年用.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rare earth cooperate laboratory 希土合作实验室 4

The rare earth information conference pointout that in 2010 China produced each kind of rare earth separation product 118,900 tons, the sales revence 37.37 billion Yuan. to 2015 ,outside China rare earth production, light rare earth meets the need;but heavy rare earth satisfies 50%,
must import 50% from China. Sept ,2011.

波音787,新的标准. 11118/632

据 Aviation week Oct 3,2011题为 "787 Dream liner new standards of service and comfort,delivered "的报导. 例如: PPG的新技术电子窗, 日本Toray的碳纤维.等等.

UTC 并购 goodrich. 11117/631

据 Aviation week sept 26,2011题为 "Advantage,UTC "的报导. 分析了Goodrich 在波音787 中的贡献. 世界日报也有184亿,UTC并Goodrich的报导.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Avery develops new technology. 11116/629

据 Tribute sept 29,2011如题报导. Avery Dennison has developed a new die-cutting technology called Avery Dennison ThinStream, which allows the die-cutting of labels with a line as thin as 12 microns, half of the current minimum in the market.


据wsj sept 29,2011题为"Quake still rattles suppliers."报导. 在11111/613 的blog,曾有"日本地震影响化工供应链",在经过6个月后,依然有问题.

GE 投资中国,却遭质疑. 11114/627

据wsj sept 29,2011题为"GE's China ideas bank"报导. 公司投资$1亿元於"Gas-energy". 隔日,在同一报纸发表题为"China venture is good for GE but is it good for U.S." 质疑它在上海的飞机合资项目.

GE 投资中国,却遭质疑. 11114/627

据 wsj sept 29,2011题为"GE's China Ideas Bank."将投资$1亿於 "Gas-Energy". 隔日,同一报纸发出题为"China venture is good for GE but is it good for U.S." 质疑上海飞机制造合资项目.