Saturday, September 12, 2015

China looks west. 15116

1. Chinese companies selling to U.S. and European markets need strong sales and marketing teams

on the ground. Typically , the teams themselves are Americans or Europeans, their expertise due in

part to belonging to the societies of the target markets. This East-goes-west model is an exciting

opportunity for young professionals who can switch back and forth between the hierarchy of Chinese

companies and the collaborative quality of Western business practice. Facility with Mandarin would

be a huge advantage-and formidable when blended with business skills.

 From : CEN  AUGUST 2015 SUPPLEMENT  P. 11

2. Saltigo adjusts its stance.   The former Bayer fine chemicals business has shifted its weight in

pharmaceutical chemicals . In its nearly 10 years in business, Saltigo has succeeded in turning

a high-tech chemicals operation into a competitive custom fine chemicals company with annual

revenues approaching $500 million.  As oppose to making 10 products, they can make one product

can go into 10 applications. Saltigo as a service firm that maintains ties to its Bayer chemistry

heritage.         From : CEN  AUGUST 17,2015

3. Fine chemicals BASF to sell custom synthesis and API businesses to Siegfried.

The deal, involving manufacturing sites in Germany ,Switzer, and France, will affect about 850

employees. Siegfried will pay BASF $306 million. the acquisition will increase Siegfried's

sales by roughly 50% to $ 955 million.

  From :  CEN   May 11,2015

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