Monday, August 3, 2015

The heat is on isocyanates in paint. 150112

1. polyurethanes make up half of the $19.6 billion global high-performance coating business.

Demand for high-performance coating grows by 5%per year. The $115 billion coating market grows

at less than half that rate.

2.PPG has developed a paint system that eliminate the need to put  a new car body through a primer-

curing oven. Thanks to resins that can be applied wet-on-wet, a car's three top paint layers-primer,

color coat, and clear topcoat-can be applied in succession and oven-cured.

3. Paint maker Axalta (DuPont) like PPG ,it has designed paint package, call a " three-wet System."

4. Oven cure temperatures will have to come down from about 140 C to about 80 C.

5.Bayer, they use what calls Blulogiq technology. It hardeners remain inactive until they are exposed

to temperatures about  75C .

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