Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
据 CEN dec 5,2011 题为"Rare earth for national security"报导. 该杂志'曾在2010年,即1年多之前报导过希土供应紧张,文中没有提出何种具体需求.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
NF3 在电子制造中应用及经济,环保.11126/644
据 CEN Nov 28,2011题为"A clean fight"报导. 这项全球产量为12,000吨/年的产品,分别在日本,韩国,以及美国Air product co等生产. 价格原耒$100/b, 但在 2007 后 ,下降到$ 30-40/b ,在批量大时,甚至低於$20/b. 文中还提到产品所涉环保问题.
SAP 购 success factors 11301/643
据 wsj oct 5,2011报导, SAP 以 $3.4 billion 购美国 Success factors 公司,该公司从事在线人才管理,运用云端技术.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
话说食品成型剂.Call in the food fixeds 11125/641
据 CEN Oct 31,2011 题为 "Call in the food Fixers."报导 .有关含水胶体 hydro colloide 各类品种情况. 其中提到 Ashland 兼并Hercules 及中国国内用量坛长极快但详情不明等,值得注意.
goodrich 对飞机制造的贡献. 11123/642
据 Aviation week Nov 7,2011 题为"Teaming done here".报导. 该文也是从UTC $180亿元兼并Goodrich 话题出发. 特别在发动机等方面. 原先报导制煞车片与飞机轮胎并不是主要内容. 参考该司发展史,转向航空也不过10年多历史,就这么成功,值得研究.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
包装市场大,支持复膜胶. 11123/640
据 CEN oct 17,2011 题为" An update on Dow"报导. 2008年以180亿美元并Rohm and Haas, 现在Dow的LD 聚乙烯加上 Rohm and Haas 复膜胶,市场达80亿美元/年.
醋酸加氢制乙醇,在中国实现. 11122/639
据 CEN oct 24,2011题为"Celanese takes an ethanol plunge". 报导. 醋酸制乙醇项目在中国南京实施,据40万吨项目,需要3亿美元. 该文作了经济技术分析.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Rare earth cooperate laboratory 希土合作实验室6
供过于求,价格暴跌,希土La,Ce积压,包钢希土仃产1月.境外走向,不依赖中国希土. 理性价格及中,长期合约,市场需求,推动希土发展.
Supply over demand,prices droped down,La,Ce on sale and BaoSteel stop production 1 momth of them. Overseas,turning away from China's RE is order of the day. So reasonable prices ,medium and long term contract,according market,will push RE develop.
Supply over demand,prices droped down,La,Ce on sale and BaoSteel stop production 1 momth of them. Overseas,turning away from China's RE is order of the day. So reasonable prices ,medium and long term contract,according market,will push RE develop.
Friday, October 14, 2011
据 Automobile news Oct 10,2011报导. 由於Merck 的珠光涂料 (pearl luster piqment)名为Xirallic 没有在日本恢复生产,影响20% toyota 汽车涂料. 也有可能要求 Merck 搬回德国生产.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
上海氟聚合物,纺织化学 二合资项目11119/635
据CEN Oct 3,2011报导. 1.Du pont 将和上海3F ,以50-50合资在常熟生产氟聚合物.
2.Huntsman 准备投资$40 million,在上海闵行建纺织化学品(也有染料)研发中心.
2.Huntsman 准备投资$40 million,在上海闵行建纺织化学品(也有染料)研发中心.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
rare earth cooperate laboratory 希土合作实验室 5
据Scientific American, Oct 2011报导. 在Afghanistan Khanneshin 找到储量为 1.3 million tons的希土矿 (Carbonatite),开采后够10年用.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Rare earth cooperate laboratory 希土合作实验室 4
The rare earth information conference pointout that in 2010 China produced each kind of rare earth separation product 118,900 tons, the sales revence 37.37 billion Yuan. to 2015 ,outside China rare earth production, light rare earth meets the need;but heavy rare earth satisfies 50%,
must import 50% from China. Sept ,2011.
must import 50% from China. Sept ,2011.
波音787,新的标准. 11118/632
据 Aviation week Oct 3,2011题为 "787 Dream liner new standards of service and comfort,delivered "的报导. 例如: PPG的新技术电子窗, 日本Toray的碳纤维.等等.
UTC 并购 goodrich. 11117/631
据 Aviation week sept 26,2011题为 "Advantage,UTC "的报导. 分析了Goodrich 在波音787 中的贡献. 世界日报也有184亿,UTC并Goodrich的报导.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Avery develops new technology. 11116/629
据 Tribute sept 29,2011如题报导. Avery Dennison has developed a new die-cutting technology called Avery Dennison ThinStream, which allows the die-cutting of labels with a line as thin as 12 microns, half of the current minimum in the market.
据wsj sept 29,2011题为"Quake still rattles suppliers."报导. 在11111/613 的blog,曾有"日本地震影响化工供应链",在经过6个月后,依然有问题.
GE 投资中国,却遭质疑. 11114/627
据wsj sept 29,2011题为"GE's China ideas bank"报导. 公司投资$1亿元於"Gas-energy". 隔日,在同一报纸发表题为"China venture is good for GE but is it good for U.S." 质疑它在上海的飞机合资项目.
GE 投资中国,却遭质疑. 11114/627
据 wsj sept 29,2011题为"GE's China Ideas Bank."将投资$1亿於 "Gas-Energy". 隔日,同一报纸发出题为"China venture is good for GE but is it good for U.S." 质疑上海飞机制造合资项目.
Monday, September 26, 2011
希土合作实验室,rare earth cooperate laboratory 3
据CNBC sept 26,2011报导. 1周时间 Molycorp 股价下跌38%,收盘时为$34.57. 网上有Jim crame 在sept 21,2011 评说,认为风险太大.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Rare earth cooperate Laboratory (plan)希土合作实验室(筹) 2
希土在新材料各领域应用量(REO,吨) 2008年. 1.永磁材料 22250 . 2. 储氢材料 6200. 3.荧光材料 4490. 4.液晶抛光 2800. 5. 催化材料 2710.
Rare earth used amount in new material (REO,ton) 1.Magnetic material 22250. 2.Hydrogen storage 6022. 3. fluorescence 4490 . 4. polishing 2800. 5. Catalyst 2710.
中国希土产品产量. 2007 年. 1.希土永磁总产量 5.08万吨. 2.贮氢合金 1.86万吨. 3.荧光粉 8481吨. 4. 希土研磨材料 7523吨. 5.汽车尾气净化器 1085 万套.
The output of rare earth products in China . 2007 year. 1. RE magnet 5,0800 ton. 2. Hydrogen
storage 1,8600 ton. 3. fluorescence 8487 ton. 4. RE abrasive 7523 ton. 5. Auto gas cleaner
10.85 million unit.
Rare earth used amount in new material (REO,ton) 1.Magnetic material 22250. 2.Hydrogen storage 6022. 3. fluorescence 4490 . 4. polishing 2800. 5. Catalyst 2710.
中国希土产品产量. 2007 年. 1.希土永磁总产量 5.08万吨. 2.贮氢合金 1.86万吨. 3.荧光粉 8481吨. 4. 希土研磨材料 7523吨. 5.汽车尾气净化器 1085 万套.
The output of rare earth products in China . 2007 year. 1. RE magnet 5,0800 ton. 2. Hydrogen
storage 1,8600 ton. 3. fluorescence 8487 ton. 4. RE abrasive 7523 ton. 5. Auto gas cleaner
10.85 million unit.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Rare earth cooperate laboratory (plan)希土合作实验室(筹)
实验室从事希土的分离纯化工艺,以期产品质量能用到诸如萤光粉及磁性材料方面,而经济上也合理.合作以合约方式,按顾客要求,专题进行. 专题例如: 萤光级氧化钇,金属镝等.
The laboratory is engaged in the rare earth separate technology .material can use as high quality on phosphor and magnetic products.and the economy is also reasonable. the cooperation by the contract way,requests according to the customer. The special projects for exempales:
phosphor level yttrium oxide ,metal Dysprosium etc.
The laboratory is engaged in the rare earth separate technology .material can use as high quality on phosphor and magnetic products.and the economy is also reasonable. the cooperation by the contract way,requests according to the customer. The special projects for exempales:
phosphor level yttrium oxide ,metal Dysprosium etc.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
食用色素的重建. 11112/614
1.wsj march 29,2011题为"Artificial food dyes scrutinized by FDA".
2.CEN april 18,2011 题为"food dye debate resurfaces".
3.J of chem edu vol 88 No.1 Jan 2011题为"A global perspective on the history,use,and identifition of synthetic food dyes".
1.wsj march 29,2011题为"Artificial food dyes scrutinized by FDA".
2.CEN april 18,2011 题为"food dye debate resurfaces".
3.J of chem edu vol 88 No.1 Jan 2011题为"A global perspective on the history,use,and identifition of synthetic food dyes".
Sunday, April 24, 2011
日本地震影响化工供应链. 11111/613
有以下资料: 1. CEN March 21 2011.
2. CEN april 4,2011.
3. CEN March 28, 2011.
4. wsj March 26-27,2011 题为"Chemical reaction :iPod is short key material."
又"Pigment shortage hits Auto makers".
又"Chip maker runs at half speed".
5.wsj " Quake Spurs Supplier ".
6.wsj april 1 ,2011 "Silicon-wafer Supply disrupted".
2. CEN april 4,2011.
3. CEN March 28, 2011.
4. wsj March 26-27,2011 题为"Chemical reaction :iPod is short key material."
又"Pigment shortage hits Auto makers".
又"Chip maker runs at half speed".
5.wsj " Quake Spurs Supplier ".
6.wsj april 1 ,2011 "Silicon-wafer Supply disrupted".
Friday, April 22, 2011
Buffett 投资 Lubrizol 成为化工大享. 11010/610
在世界日报4月16日,有以"巴菲特成化工业大享"为题的报导. 这是继约10天前wsj报导后发出. 查看Lubrizol的历史,及CEN 2010 Oct.11 题为"fighting Friction"报导,对於投资方向有所启示.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
rare earth prices (2011-2-17) 11010/610
In China
RE carbonate 2,2000-2,3000/ton La Oxide 2,8000-3,0000/ton Ce Oxide 3,6000-3,8000/ton
Nd Oxide 32,0000-34,0000/ton Pr Oxide 25,5000-26,5000/ton Tb Oxide 3000-3200/Kg
Dy Oxide 1900-2000/Kg Eu Oxide 3100-3200/Kg Y Oxide 5,2000-6,2000/ton
Pr Nd Oxide 25,5000-26,5000/ton Sm Oxide 1,8000-1,9000/ton La metal 5,1000-5,3000/t
Pr metal 36,0000-38,0000/t Nd metal 40,0000-42,0000/t Ce metal 5,5000-5,8000/t
Tb metal 3750-4000/Kg Dy metal 2300-2550/Kg Pr Nd alloy 32,5000-34,0000/t
Pr Nd Dy alloy 29,0000-30,5000 Y metal 280-330/Kg Re metal (Nd>10%) 5,8000/t
Re metal (Nd>15%)6,0000/t Battery Mix metal 9,0000-9,3000/t
Dy Fe alloy 200,0000-205,0000/ton
RE carbonate 2,2000-2,3000/ton La Oxide 2,8000-3,0000/ton Ce Oxide 3,6000-3,8000/ton
Nd Oxide 32,0000-34,0000/ton Pr Oxide 25,5000-26,5000/ton Tb Oxide 3000-3200/Kg
Dy Oxide 1900-2000/Kg Eu Oxide 3100-3200/Kg Y Oxide 5,2000-6,2000/ton
Pr Nd Oxide 25,5000-26,5000/ton Sm Oxide 1,8000-1,9000/ton La metal 5,1000-5,3000/t
Pr metal 36,0000-38,0000/t Nd metal 40,0000-42,0000/t Ce metal 5,5000-5,8000/t
Tb metal 3750-4000/Kg Dy metal 2300-2550/Kg Pr Nd alloy 32,5000-34,0000/t
Pr Nd Dy alloy 29,0000-30,5000 Y metal 280-330/Kg Re metal (Nd>10%) 5,8000/t
Re metal (Nd>15%)6,0000/t Battery Mix metal 9,0000-9,3000/t
Dy Fe alloy 200,0000-205,0000/ton
Sunday, February 13, 2011
希土"在并不缺少下"的短缺. 110109/612
从2009开始,整个2010年,直到现在,希土短缺成为世界政治经济议题.真的短缺,其实也不. 在中国过去多少年,土法尚挖得许多希土,何况现在.这是第一.希土发展,包头为重点,全面规划,投资,股份集资,都有落实,将来中国不缺希土,这是第二.国际上,首先美国,molycorp己有能源部5亿美元资金,恢复运行,2012年2万吨,随即翻4万吨,相当於现今中国出口总量.这是第三.在日本,toyota宣布油电车不用希土,多家永磁企业移到中国生产,加上境外投资合作开发希土,将来的日本不缺希土,这是第四.
Friday, February 4, 2011
2010 Chinese rare earth science and technology 10 flash news. 110109/613
1.Three rare earth projects win the national science and technology prize.
2."Baotou rare earth niobium resources comprehensive utilization." topic through acceptance by the state.
3.My domestic product rare earth isoprene rubber pilot product successly for the first time applied to tire.
4.The phosphate ore including low rare earth concentrates to get high.
5."spectrum modulation glass"and "Nd:Yag laser ceramic" through approval.
6.the native key laboratory of the rare earth resources using through the technical department approve.
7.the independent research rare earth steel rail promotes our country high-speed train.
8.The Chinese academy of science makes the important progress in the rare earth foundation and the applied research domain.
9.Baotou rare earth institute permanent magnetism component helps moon landing.
10."Non-saponification extraction separation rare earth new technology" prize.
2."Baotou rare earth niobium resources comprehensive utilization." topic through acceptance by the state.
3.My domestic product rare earth isoprene rubber pilot product successly for the first time applied to tire.
4.The phosphate ore including low rare earth concentrates to get high.
5."spectrum modulation glass"and "Nd:Yag laser ceramic" through approval.
6.the native key laboratory of the rare earth resources using through the technical department approve.
7.the independent research rare earth steel rail promotes our country high-speed train.
8.The Chinese academy of science makes the important progress in the rare earth foundation and the applied research domain.
9.Baotou rare earth institute permanent magnetism component helps moon landing.
10."Non-saponification extraction separation rare earth new technology" prize.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Mountain Pass will probably ship RE to China. 110108/612
From Chemistry World,Jan 2011 P.53. "Yet Mountain Pass will not initially be able to refine the rare earth into raw materials and will probably have to ship them to China. Refined rare earths are current only available from China and US industry officials have told the GAO that it would take at least two years to develop a pilot plant that could refine the oxides to metals."
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Business Turns Cool to Hu, As China Flexes Its Clout. 11107/611
据 Wsj Jan 16,2011如上题报导. 有关希土部份,"Recently China flexed its mighty economic muscle again. It decided to sharply cut its exports of rare-earth metals, materials used in magnets,....etc. China refines the bulk of the world's rare -earth metals. Its action coincided with a maritime tiff with Japan,and was widely viewed as retribution against Beijing,s long-time adversary. China said that wasn't so,and that it needs the materials for domestic consumption."
Monday, January 17, 2011
China's rare earth industrial profile. 11006/607
Phoenix TV "rare earth China" program. Academic director Chen Zhanheng lectures.
It's content includes :1.The chinese rare earth history and the world situation, mentions American Molycorp 20,000 tons project. 2.Chinese rare earth industry and product construct.
3. Goverment adjust policy to control. Director Chen when the report stars says, rare earth cannot politicize.
It's content includes :1.The chinese rare earth history and the world situation, mentions American Molycorp 20,000 tons project. 2.Chinese rare earth industry and product construct.
3. Goverment adjust policy to control. Director Chen when the report stars says, rare earth cannot politicize.
希土无战争,中国有调整. 11004/607
1月17日鳯凰台世纪大讲堂以"希土战争 中国"为题,请希土学术部主任陈占恒先生作报告.
内容:1.中国希土产业的发展史,目前的价格. 也提到世界资源数据,特别提到美国Molycorp 2万吨项目. 2.中国希土的产业与产品结构.3.政府政策的调整. 陈先生在报告开始时讲不要把希土政治化.
内容:1.中国希土产业的发展史,目前的价格. 也提到世界资源数据,特别提到美国Molycorp 2万吨项目. 2.中国希土的产业与产品结构.3.政府政策的调整. 陈先生在报告开始时讲不要把希土政治化.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
开发国际希土资源,中国积极参与. 11003/606
据世界日报 北京27日电 所编新闻. 2010年中国已开始从马来西亚,越南等地进口约1万吨希土原矿.他们愿意利用中国比较成熟的冶炼分离技术,合作生产更多的希土产品.
Monday, January 3, 2011
The rare earth made from used glass,China prohibit export. 11002/606
China from Nov 1,2010 the embargo waste glass,because companes and so on Mitsubishi Product with this refinement rare earth,the behavior is similarly smuggle.
China sets up the medium,heavy rare earth company 11001/605
China heavy rare earth holds the superiority,through reoganize of the enterprises, control resources,but do'nt do the industry.
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