Thursday, December 4, 2008
据 wsj nov 4 报导的原油与天然气价格曲线,从2006 到今, 原油已降到$50以下,天然气也降到$6,这都是2006年的正常情况价格.另外,恐慌指数VIX也降到60,前3个月超过70. 金融危机也由美国政府干预.象bear stain,indemax,leman brother,大银行倒帐,所引起的恐慌,已不再严重.所以,可以说美国经济将正常运行.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Abbott to pay $184 million in Tricor Suits
据 wsj 上周报导. Abbott Laboratories 声称同意付款 $184 million 给儿个药厂,批发商,以及学名药公司,以了结该公司制造龚断,妨害学名药竞争的指控.此药为抗胆固醇,名Tricor. 此药已有33 年历史,是Abbott's 销售最高,去年达$1.2 billion . Abbott 现正推出名TriLipix 新药.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
cotton crop can't weather downturn
据 wsj nov 24 报导. 由於棉花价格低,农民改种其他作物,棉花种植面积,全美由2006年12.7 million acres 降至今年的7.8 million acres.
J & J Email Raise Issues Of Risperdal promotion
据 wsj nov 24 报导 . J & J 的一种名为Risperdal 的镇静剂(antipsychotic),去年销售达$4.9 billion.该文介绍该药用於4-6岁的儿童与12岁以下少年,产生付作用的指控与辨护.
china defends prices fixing by vitamin maker
据 wsj nov 24 报导,这里是指 vitamin C , 从价格曲线看, 从中国进口2007 下半年至2008 下半年,平均价格由约 $4/Kg 升到 $7/Kg. 饲料制造商 Animal Science Products Inc 指控中国Vitamin C制造商非法操纵价格.官司还在进行.
Hong Kong ready for a leading role
据wsj nov 24 报导,根据股市IPO的屡年数目, 每伦敦,纽约比较, 2008年 香港 27项 ,纽约 16 项, 伦敦 3项 . 数据来自 bloomberg research .香港处於领先地位,主要得益於中国地区.
Monday, November 24, 2008
chemical firms hit by economy (经济对化学公司影响)
据C&EN nov ,17 报导.它们采集24家化学公司第三季度的数据显示;销售坛长19.3%;收益坛长 20.4%;税后利润上升为7.5%(去年同期为7.4%).农业化学品与化肥的坛长显著.销售收入坛加的比例,前三家公司分别为Mosic, 27.4%;Terra Industries,21.6%;Sigma-Aldrich,15.2%.该文列出许多数据.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
学名药的渠道向题(generis getting their foot in the door)
由off-patent herbicides 文中所列10个问题中,我识为首要的是渠道,正如文中最后的标题,"getting their foot in the door."要把脚伸进门去.这还需要与当地的distributors,dealors 建立关系.因为他们往往比品牌brand供应商有更多办法.学名药只有一条路,让他们方便,得利.保持开放,做其他人不做的,也许并没有创收,但是要相信,它们买的不仅是产品,而且还有我们的诚信.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
off-patent herbicides
据successful farming ,mid-feb 2005 报导有关专利过期的农药,美国市场情况. 文章付标题 "postpatent choices abound".如果要了解 generics ,可参考.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Energy wall street journal report on nov 17 2008
这长达10多页的能源专题报告,有10项内容: 1. 如何踢开我们对石油的热衷.(how to kick our oil addiction).编者写了按语,6位专家,来自不同角度,分别作了"诊断"(diagnosis)与"处方"(prescriptions). 2. 核能.(Nuclear energy) 3. 生产者 (producers)在欧盟,无论现在或到2030年,汽车引擎有58.8%,都是柴油. 4.油价涨落的研究. 5. 燃料气体的钻采. 7. 各行业的节电. 8. 太阳能发电概况. 9. 绿色建筑. 10.能源商贸与OTC 市场.
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Splash of Green for the Rust belt
据 the new york times ,nov 2 报导,位於Iowa 的Maytag 企业,原来为Whirlpool 和汽车工业配套.现在不再需要.所以改行从事风力发电事业,与加洲TPI复合材料公司合作,制作风力涡轮叶片.(wind turbine blades).己经雇了近225位工人.
据the new york times 这2个月的热销书,第一:"The snowball "by Alice Schroeder. the life of Warren E. Buffett. 第二:"Hot,Flat,and Crowded"by Thomas L.Friedman. 上月曾排在第一.
G-20 leaders tighten grip on bank
上面标题是wsj nov 17 的一篇报导.它的付标题:"after weekend summit,economists say emphasis on lending restrictions threatens a quick recovery".这是世界上第一次开这样的会.美国总统Mr.Bush 主张free-market ,否则美国可能进入比大萧条(Great Depression)还要严重的萧条.英国首相Mr.Brown 讲:我们同意拒绝保护主义(we agree on the importance of rejecting protection.)口径和美国一样.在儿个星期后,将看到协议,并在March 31 前推出主要规则的决定.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Paulson said: economy will be stable after bank are normal
美国金融风暴何时了结?Nov 14,财政部长Paulson在回答cnbc记者采访时说:美国经济原来就有很稳定的基础,现在政府采取措施,使银行能正常放贷,问题也就介决. 同日business night 采访另一位专家也认为股市上金融股表现好,是转变的关键.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
How to get information about finance crisis ?
Nov 12 ,股市Dow 跌440点,而今日张550点,创Dow 工业指数单日涨幅最高纪录.什么风吹得如此利好?在金融危机时的信息显得十分重要.我在上海图书馆拿到的the wall street journal 已经是1个月以前的,能否及时知道一些有关动态呢?我首先进入the wall street journal 的网站,接着就在serch处键入"crisis wall street",可以得到许多有关信息,与当日报纸核对,是一样的.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Battery-powered grease guns
据 successful farming oct 2008 报导.这种以电池为动力的注射枪,介绍用於机器,设备的润滑保护.如农村的耕作机械,它有许多zerks都可以用.文章后面附表列有4个公司的4种产品的规格与价格.
Methyl iodide saga continues
据 C & EN oct 27 报导, 虽然EPA 巳经批准1年多,碘甲烷仍未被广泛应用. 在1990年,加洲 riverside 的Sims 教授开始把碘甲烷作为土壤杀菌剂,并导至1项专利.Japan-based Arysta LifeScience 销售提供碘甲烷. in Florida are being fumigated with methyl iodide and immediately covered with a plastic tarp to help prevent the volatile chemical from being released into the air.
it devoted to high-value crops,including tomatoes,strawberries,peppers,stone fruits,tree nuts, vins,and ornamentals.但是加洲仍在评估风险.附图片看拖拉机上装有2个钢并容器施药.
it devoted to high-value crops,including tomatoes,strawberries,peppers,stone fruits,tree nuts, vins,and ornamentals.但是加洲仍在评估风险.附图片看拖拉机上装有2个钢并容器施药.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
generic drug supply chain
如果用generic drug list 2008 supply chain 从google 去搜索,会有480多条.现选择3条.1.wsj oct 16.题为 Pfizer goes generic 专利过期产品的规模将从2006年 $270 billion 到2012年的$520 billion.品种为lipitor,norvasc ,amlodipine,ibuprofen. 2. nytine magazine oct 31 题为 the safety gap 许多从中国采购过程中存在的向题. 3. 这是从logistic 角度,,题为generic-drug manufacturer's supply chain Ills. 提到UPS 渠道与SAP的作用.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
auto sales at 1991 level
据latime nov 4 报导,10大汽车10月份销售下降平均超过25%,其中GM 166,744辆,下降-45.4%;toyoda 为152,101辆,下降 -23.0%. 原因是前时汽油暴涨, 以后又是信贷危机.相信对化学工业产生负面影响,现时许多化学公司股市价只是过去的40%-50%.
据世界日报消息,美国海关及边境保护局(the US custom and border protectection)30日宣布全球旅行快速通关(global entry enrollment centers)在洛杉矶国际机场成立. 不久以前latime 曾报导过人体识别技术与通关.
Generic drug cut escalate price war
据latime近日报导,学名处方药推出低价销售优惠.例如:The $9.99 CVS offer is just a penny less than Wal-Mart's $10 charg for a 90-day supply.另外,世界日报,nov 1,以"广用学名药,Medicare省60亿"为题的消息.报导都涉老年常用药,高血压Norvasc(活络喜),骨质疏松Fosamax(福善美),以及胆固醇,过敏,慢性病.
Friday, October 31, 2008
china revises postal law (中国修改邮政法)
据wsj oct 30 题为"china,s postal plan worries forign courier companies". 其中有"foreign companies may not invest in the domestic letter delivery business."经由baidu检索,邮政法正在起草修政,主要内容建立邮政专递准入制度.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
china's supply chain challenges (中国供应链的挑战)
据 logistic sep 2008, Mulani著文指出,中国经济的快速坛长,使供应链相应发展.这是从美国经验出发,文章分列4个付标题:1.why is supply chain essential? 2.leveraging people . 3.Finding partners.
4.Finding third parties.
4.Finding third parties.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Urethane aim market newly to take turn old (聚氨旨市场新旧交替)
据C&EN oct 22 报导,聚氨旨产业经历变化.首先是Huntsman被 并购过程的曲折(page 10).股价由$12 跌到$7.第二是SK (韩国)由Uubrizol 收购thermoplastic polyurethane 业务.(page 22).同 页BASF picks shanghai for cad part plant. 这种spring aids 每年约有5million车要用.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Amid Gloom, A War for E-commerce
据 new york times oct 12 报导,investors' attitudes toward the two companies have changes in the last two years.Jeffrey P. Bezos of Amazon,left,has long emphasized experiments like third-party selling. John J. Donahoe of eBay is shifting the company away from auctions.这个third-party是否就小的商团,例如:制鞋商.目前股价Amazo $60-80而eBay $20.很值得进一步结合中国情况探讨.
Thais lead drive to natural-gas cars
据wall street oct 21 marketplace 报导,在过去6个月泰国有4万辆车用上天然气.大致$3.05可以跑完93miles.这在中国或上海也早已有了,也许2年前,我偶然看到出租车后面有天然气压缩并,但并不用.司机告知,加速时使不出劲.我读该文有HONDA Motor co.供应专用天然气车,联想也许有所改进.另外,那个气并CNG/NGV应该是轻质复合材料的,却不知国内状况如何了?
Friday, October 17, 2008
melamine below 2.5 ppm food safety
FDA sets melamine safety level in food below 2.5 ppm pose little risk. C&EN 9 oct 13.2008.
这与中国现行标准 1 ppm 差2.5 倍, 谁更确当呢?
这与中国现行标准 1 ppm 差2.5 倍, 谁更确当呢?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Milk be contaminated by melamine,may be improved to control urea's impurity
Recently milk power contaminated by melamine,that impacts chinese markets.some of this melamine contain in ppm level.why?what's reasons?there is no report.I rearched chemical abstrats from 2008 to 14th.It's found that impurity come from urea,a feed for cow.(CA 149 31088 etc).my suggestion is to control urea's impurity melamine.It's easily than milk.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Things get stick at Avery Dennison
Pasadena-based label marker says July, August profit missed the mark.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
corporate blogging
Corporate types getting into blogging. It's a tool for talking directly to customers or goving a personal touch to a big business. la time sept 1 2008.
Making it legal
A USC clinic offers aid with getting incorporated,drawing up documents and other services-for free..... Money has been tight for home-based business,Sheri Baby Inc. So when Varela heard about a free legal service for small businesses offered by USC,she snapped up a spot.
T-shirt entrepreneur. la time sept 2 2008 .small business.
T-shirt entrepreneur. la time sept 2 2008 .small business.
ebay feedback from 1 million
He says that tyanks to the site,he was able to start a business with little investment and expand it quickly.ebay helps buyers find his goods,and although tyey not know him,they understood from his feedback rating that he was dependable.The feedback ratings for everydaysource and accstation are currently at 98.8%. la time sept 4 2008.
small mid-size businesses
over the next two years, Abbott is going to trasition the manufacturing and production of the
clinical chemistry products that we make there to third-party manufacturers.
tribune sept 2 2008.
clinical chemistry products that we make there to third-party manufacturers.
tribune sept 2 2008.
Chinese Jetmaker
U.S.companies supply half of the equipment on the ARJ21 regional jet made by chinese
government-run ACCA. wall street journal sept 3 2008.
government-run ACCA. wall street journal sept 3 2008.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Milk hormone
Drug maker EliLilly & Co, agreed to pay at least $300 million for Monsanto co,s Posilac,
a synthetic hormone used to boost milk production in cows.
a synthetic hormone used to boost milk production in cows.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
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