Saturday, May 28, 2016

Evonik will acquire Air product's. (specialty chemicals) 160106

Air product & chemicals has agreed to sell its performance materials division to the German specialty
chemical maker Evonik Industries for $ 3.8 billion in cash .
Air products performance materials at a glance.  TOTAL SALES: $ 1.04 BILLION.
Key epoxy-curing agent products: Curing agents, accelerators and catalysts; adhesive promoters.
Key polyurethane additive products: Catalysts, surfactants, and curatives .
Key specialty additive products: Surfactants, dispersants, and defoamers.
Following the deal announcement, Moody's took the unusual step of upgrading Evonik's credit rating,
noting that the acquired business is a "good fit" and that Evonik has "sufficient headroom" financially to supper the purchase.

 From : CEN  May 16,2016

Sunday, May 22, 2016

C & EN profiles WuXi Apptec. 160105

这是来自 C & EN MARCH 14,2016 的报导. 归类入 Outsourcing.
付标题  Chinese contract research giant.
小标题 Founder Ge Li claims no interest in launching his own drugs or relisting on Chinese stock exchange.
首先感到从2011创业至今,职工过1万,1000人在美国. 这样的组织发展相当快. 其中4,000化学
工作. 全球第一.
第二,就营业来说,总销售中实验室服务占60%, 小分子制造 25%. 都是需要动手的.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

关於 salesforce. 160104

重读往日salesforce 复印资料,并上网追踪.

1.近传言 Microsoft 正考虑并购 salesforce. Jim cream 评论它是云计算中做得最好.


2. B2B的文章,是从2010-2011 salesforce 期刊上看到,作者名paul nylon,他在2016出新书.

3.核心是CRM, 即顾客关系管理. 其中2010年根据Mckinsey 的顾客统计分析.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

apple CEO Tim Cook 在 CNBC mad money 中 与 jim cream 谈公司近况. 160102

今日报戴 apple 股价大跌, 同日在mad money 节目中,看到 Cook 与 jim cream的对话,

二者大不一样. 据 cook 介绍 市塲销售良好,去年在大中国区挣钱$58B,手表升40%.

各类用户都好. 他不介意street 的反应.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Reagent chemicals. 11th editor. 160101

由ACS 负责的 试剂标准与分析方法,11版於2016年1月出版了. 上一次是2006年,相距10年,

可称颁望己久. 几年前,就有试剂行业的老专家, 关心它的出版.

我现在看到的是网上的信息,例如分析方法改用仪器, 以重金属分析用ICP,代替过去硫化物.


品种只坛加5-6种,还是400种. 另外,至今这里大学图书舘中都还没有此书.