Monday, November 15, 2010

Gore provide ePTFE. 10129/595

据 Aviation Nov1/8 ,2010 题为"Innovation shapes Everything We Do."的广告. 付题为:Through its aerospace and materials cables and materials, Gore's continued commitment to engineering new materials assures development of reliable,time-tested,and proven solution for the most challenging aerospace applications.

Beijing has said it(Rare-earth) will maintain quotas. 10128/594

据wsj Nov 15,2010 题为"China cites pollution in tightening Rare-earth Export"的报导.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hercobond 是 Hercules 造纸助剂的"王牌". 10127/592

在 CEN April 19,2010 题为"The paper chase".文中提到Hercobond. Hercules 在 2002 年申请专利,今年初Ashland 兼并了Hercules, 造纸助剂是它的强项. 目前中国每年耗纸2700万吨,多数是再生纸,这种新型的坛强剂,应用前途会好.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rare earth prices (2010-09-29) 10126/591

1. In china
lanthanum oxide 3,5000-3,6000/ton Nd Oxide 23,5000-24,0000/ton
Cerium oxide 2,5800-2,6000/ton Nd metal 31,8000-31,5000/ton
La Ce carbonate 1,1000-1,2000/ton Battery Mix metal 8,1000-8,5000/ton
La Ce metal 4,1000-4,2000/ton Eu Oxide 2950-3000/Kg
La metal 5,5000-5,6000/ton Tb Oxide 2950-3000/Kg
Pr Nd Oxide 20,5000-21,5000/ton Dy Oxide 1400-1450/Kg
Pr Nd metal 27,5000-28,2000/ton

2. Export
Add prices 12,000-17,000/ton

rare earth export quota will not drop largely in 2011. 10125/590

China department of commercial vice chief Chen Jian said:" 2011 china rare earth export quota will not drop largely." When he introduces condition about cooperate to foriegn on monday.