Friday, October 31, 2008

china revises postal law (中国修改邮政法)

据wsj oct 30 题为"china,s postal plan worries forign courier companies". 其中有"foreign companies may not invest in the domestic letter delivery business."经由baidu检索,邮政法正在起草修政,主要内容建立邮政专递准入制度.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

china's supply chain challenges (中国供应链的挑战)

据 logistic sep 2008, Mulani著文指出,中国经济的快速坛长,使供应链相应发展.这是从美国经验出发,文章分列4个付标题:1.why is supply chain essential? 2.leveraging people . 3.Finding partners.
4.Finding third parties.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Urethane aim market newly to take turn old (聚氨旨市场新旧交替)

据C&EN oct 22 报导,聚氨旨产业经历变化.首先是Huntsman被 并购过程的曲折(page 10).股价由$12 跌到$7.第二是SK (韩国)由Uubrizol 收购thermoplastic polyurethane 业务.(page 22).同 页BASF picks shanghai for cad part plant. 这种spring aids 每年约有5million车要用.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Amid Gloom, A War for E-commerce

据 new york times oct 12 报导,investors' attitudes toward the two companies have changes in the last two years.Jeffrey P. Bezos of Amazon,left,has long emphasized experiments like third-party selling. John J. Donahoe of eBay is shifting the company away from auctions.这个third-party是否就小的商团,例如:制鞋商.目前股价Amazo $60-80而eBay $20.很值得进一步结合中国情况探讨.

Thais lead drive to natural-gas cars

据wall street oct 21 marketplace 报导,在过去6个月泰国有4万辆车用上天然气.大致$3.05可以跑完93miles.这在中国或上海也早已有了,也许2年前,我偶然看到出租车后面有天然气压缩并,但并不用.司机告知,加速时使不出劲.我读该文有HONDA Motor co.供应专用天然气车,联想也许有所改进.另外,那个气并CNG/NGV应该是轻质复合材料的,却不知国内状况如何了?

Friday, October 17, 2008

melamine below 2.5 ppm food safety

FDA sets melamine safety level in food below 2.5 ppm pose little risk. C&EN 9 oct 13.2008.

这与中国现行标准 1 ppm 差2.5 倍, 谁更确当呢?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Milk be contaminated by melamine,may be improved to control urea's impurity

Recently milk power contaminated by melamine,that impacts chinese markets.some of this melamine contain in ppm level.why?what's reasons?there is no report.I rearched chemical abstrats from 2008 to 14th.It's found that impurity come from urea,a feed for cow.(CA 149 31088 etc).my suggestion is to control urea's impurity melamine.It's easily than milk.